Eating Disorders. What are they?
Eating disorders are diseases characterized by changes in eating habits and excessive concern for weight. They occur mainly during adolescence and mainly affect women.


- Family history in which people with eating disorders are present
- Depression
- Substance abuse
- Critics about one's own body
- Decrease in food consumption
- Fasting
- Bulimic crises
- Unreal conception of one's own body
There are various types of eating disorders. The best known are:
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Feeding disorder
- Uncontrolled (binge eating)

Bulimia involves voracious and pathologically excessive nutrition, which sometimes causes vomiting, use of laxatives, fasting or excessive physical activity.
Is aimed at achieving and maintaining a significantly lower weight than normal, being faced with a refusal of food for fear of gaining weight

What We Think
First, it’s important to talk about the situation with family, close friends, or someone you can trust. Then with their help, go to a professional to receive help, because eating disorders are difficult to deal with alone, but they can be healed. The most important thing is to never give up and you have to learn to accept yourself, because no one is perfect and we all have flaws and we must not be afraid to talk about them because only in this way can a person get out of them