Discover the Fair News Project Results

Discover the Fair News Project Results As the Fair News project comes to the end (for now!), we are excited to share our project results. These are designed to introduce the theory and practice of Fair News, provide a transferable model for our innovation pathways in Theory of Knowledge, and offer a hands-on toolkit for […]

Project Result 3

Coming Soon: the Fair News Guide We are excited to announce the forthcoming release of our third project result, the Fair News Guide. This hands-on Guide is the outcome of the work undertaken by students media literacy workshops, with activities based on the principle of co-creation of knowledge. Key points: Designed for hands-on creativity, the […]

Project Result 2

Coming Soon: Framework for innovative pathways in the use of Theory of Knowledge among high school students Our second project result will soon be released, offering a pilot course designed to enhance critical thinking among high school students based on principles drawn from Theory of Knowledge. Key Points Innovative pilot course tested through local labs […]

Project Result 1

Announcing PR1: Formative report on the creation and development of educational communities using methodologies of Theory of Knowledge and Media and Information Literacy We are delighted to announce the release of our first project result, an analysis of the situations of young people in relation to Media and Information Literacy, and an exploration of how […]

Erasmus + Fair News Final Conference

On Thursday 16/05/2024, 9:30 AM, the final event of the Erasmus+ Project Fair News will be held in the beautiful halls of Palazzo Pucci, Via dei Pucci 2, Florence. The Final Conference will see the partners give back and narrate the results obtained from the more than two years of the project. Olivia Salimbeni of […]

Eating Disorders

eating disorders

Eating Disorders. What are they? Eating disorders are diseases characterized by changes in eating habits and excessive concern for weight. They occur mainly during adolescence and mainly affect women. Cause and Symptoms Family history in which people with eating disorders are present Depression Substance abuse Critics about one’s own body Decrease in food consumption Fasting […]

How to make Fake News – Video by Bulgarian Students

How to create Fake news – A short video made by Bulgarian students in the frame of the Fairnews Erasmus + Project. Stopping the spread of fake news is a complex challenge that requires a multi-faceted approach involving education, media literacy, responsible journalism, and critical thinking. Click on the image to watch the video […]

Media Literacy Days 2023 in Bulgaria- You Can Join Now!

If you are interested in media literacy, news, journalism and media or you would just like to join a campaign with a big social impact, you are in the right place. You can join or benefit from the Media Literacy Days. What are the Media Literacy Days? The Media Literacy Coalition organizes an annual campaign […]

Forbes Magazine- Bulgaria is looking for Young Entrepreneurs

Forbes Magazine- Bulgaria is looking for Young Entrepreneurs

“It’s never too early to become an entrepreneur! Sign up!” That’s the motto of a new contest for young people of Forbes Magazine- Bulgaria. The magazine is looking for young people who have interesting new ideas, their own business or are willing to become entrepreneurs. The aim of the contest is to find young entrepreneurs […]

No!News – Не!Новините

How a Bulgarian Website for Jokes and Fake News Helps the Bulgaria Society Face the Problems with Fake News in Bulgaria Bulgaria is a place where there are many fake news stories and many people believe fake news to be true. As a result, the website No!News was created. The aim of the website is […]